Friday, July 16, 2010

Dream Entry

(Names are not included to protect the innocent... and to not get me in a pickle)

So I was taking a nap today and I dreamt that I was at his house, his family was there and apparently we were all just hanging out or something and I wanted to leave... but I couldn't and they were all getting ready to settle down and goto bed. I kept trying to call my family, friends... someone to come and get me and finally I got a hold of my Mom who said she'd be there soon. At the time I was waiting outside but then it started raining so I had to go back in which wasn't an issue and for some reason he was sleeping in the front room and we argued sort of playfully about something and I teased him about kissing him goodnight and I actually did so but he really didn't want me to I could tell, but he really didn't try to stop me either. About that time I heard the honk of a car (it was my Mom I assume) and I woke up.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Home Sweet Home

So thanks to my youtube channel I've been not doing actual blogging at all lately, but here I am trying to get it a go once more and get back into the community of it. Especially the Virgin Valley blogging community. I love where I live, I love the people, I'm connected to this little Valley and I always will be. Anyone born, raised and part of the people who founded this area has a connection to it.

I might leave this Valley one day, but I'll be back either to settle into life with a family or on my own (it'll probably be the latter since I'm almost 30 now and still very much single). It's home to me. It always will be no matter how far I roam.

Monday, July 12, 2010


So last night I had a hard time sleeping... have been for a while anyhow, it's like my brain won't shut off! It's annoying and I'm losing sleep because of it. I keep getting ideas at like 2 in the morning for things and it makes me want to scream aaaaaaah!!!

Anyhow I should have a new video up soon, probably tonight. I've been under the weather so I haven't felt much like doing anything, aaah the joys of being a woman. Yippee.

And yes this is short because thanks to my mind I've got some stuff to locate, work on and create! I'm not being sarcastic there tho, you'll learn to recgonize the signs over time. I am excited to have things to do... though I should get my Relief Society lesson finished up for this month but it's more than half way there so I flake a little on it.

First Post!

So, I tried this before and I fell off the bandwagon having a Live Journal I didn't see the point, but I'm back on it. I still have my LJ for fandom purposes (because I am a nerd, let's face it.) and I might post there on occasion but this is my new blogging home.

If you want to read my LJ feel free, here's the link:

So follow me if you want, I'll follow you back and feel free to poke around, ask me questions and all that fun stuff.